My first marathon: The aftermath

Marathon shoes

“Running is nothing more than a series of arguments between the part of your brain that wants to stop and the part that wants to keep going.”

It’s been over a month since I ran my first marathon in Chicago. There have been times when I wanted to write in this blog, but something always seemed to stop me. Even though I have more free time without this rigid training schedule, that time keeps getting taken up with all the stuff I couldn’t do when I was training. Cleaning my house, getting rid of some houses junk and getting back to one of my other passions – sewing.

But I’m still running, and after a much needed two-week break I was able to settle back into a more normal running schedule. My first run after the break felt really horrible. I think since it was only 4 miles, I was thinking I could go really fast without an issue. I died around mile 3. The last mile I began cursing myself for taking this break since I felt like all my fitness had disappeared. However, that weekend I decided to run a last minute 10K that happened to be right around the corner from my house. I ended up getting a PR. I couldn’t believe how easily my legs completed these miles in less than a 9-min pace. I went back to running at my club’s weekly 5K and have been amazed at how good I feel getting my time back down to around 26 minutes. And recently I decided that my new goal now is to get faster. I was not super happy about my marathon time and I think getting all my race times might help me with the next one – whenever that might be. There is nothing wrong with being an average runner – and I’m sure I will always stay one – but improving my times feels so good.

Retired marathon shoes
My retired marathon sneakers…they got me through many a mile

Last week I had an opportunity to get into the Boston Marathon. My running club gets bibs that can be distributed to members. It is done in fairest way possible – with a lottery. The more volunteer work you do for the club, the more times your name is put into the hat. I had spent the whole year analyzing how to get more points and even created a spreadsheet to keep track and maximize my chances. It’s kind of what I do. I ended up with the 2nd most points in the club, Continue reading “My first marathon: The aftermath”

A real sore spot

“Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes the bear eats you.”
-A wise fella

Well it didn’t take long for my whole spring to get de-railed. I’ve been having a really great running winter. My 5K time was slowly improving, I got a 10K PR and I was killing it at track (in my own way). Things were really looking good for me to have an awesome spring, so I signed up for the Providence Half Marathon and kicked up my training a notch.

After pushing myself through a tough hill workout at track, I noticed a slight pain along the outside of my left ankle. That ankle has always been a little off since I sprained it last August, so I thought nothing of it and ran a 5K the following day. It started to hurt a little more after the run, so I took a few days off. The following weekend I ran a 10K and there was no denying the pain after I finished the race. The next day I could barely walk. Being the incredible stubborn runner I am, I rested another week and a half and then ran my weekly 5K. I told myself this was a test to see if the pain increased while I ran or got better. It stayed the same which basically told me nothing about the injury. After I crossed the finish line, I was relieved the ankle didn’t feel too bad. That is, until I started walking. I could barely hobble over to get a cup of water, trying to ignore what I was feeling. The spot on my ankle was screaming and sore to the touch. Obviously my body was telling me something that I didn’t want to hear.

There are a few things you need when you have a running injury that sidelines you. You need: Continue reading “A real sore spot”

So what’s the plan?

“A man who does not think and plan long ahead will find trouble right at his door.”

Well lucky for Confucius, I’ve had a long time to plan this marathon.  I knew I was in last fall, which gave me all the time in the world to not think about it.  When January rolled around, I knew I should take the time as a gift and figure out a plan for the year.  As a business person, I tend to think in quarters.

Quarterly plan

Well at least that MBA didn’t go to waste right?

I live in New England, so the first part of the year is cold and snowy.  I still run in this weather, but I wanted to focus this time on getting stronger to prevent injury and prepare myself for the training to come.  Getting my muscles in shape was something I really needed anyway since my strength & cross-training had fallen off a bit last year.  Starting the year off right now Continue reading “So what’s the plan?”